
Sempervivum’s variegating colours and diverse shapes make this a very attractive plant for the garden, for borders between other perennials or in a real rock garden. Sempervivum even grows between or along your garden path and is very attractive. You can even make a mini-garden using a trough or a decorative pot on the terrace by using potting soil mixed with grit. Make sure the pot or tray has holes for adequate draining of water. Sempervivum is an outdoor plant, so do not take it into your house. Only certain species are suitable for keeping in a cold patio during the winter.


Sempervivum at the terrace and garden

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Sempervivum rock garden


Sempervivum in terra cotta


Sempervivum in decorative tunis pots


Different Sempervivum species in a tray


Sempervivum in terra cotta and decorative pots