

Cacti like a sunny location. Too much shade results in dull colours and the plants become spindly. Make sure the soil is well drained and it is neutral to slightly acid (pH between 6 and 7). Cactus soil which is sold in stores should meet these requirements. Re-potting of cacti is only necessary if they have become too large for the pot. This depends on the species and will normally be required every 3 to 5 years. The best time for re-potting is the spring. Plants which have been moved to a new pot should only be watered after 10 to 14 days, so that damaged roots can heal.


The optimum temperature is around 25°C during the summer. On really sunny days, this temperature may rise to 35°C without causing problems, but make sure the cactus receives sufficient moisture. During the winter, the plants are resting and the temperature may drop to 10°C. In this case, it is essential that the plants be kept in dry.

Watering and manuring

Watering is a critical issue. As a general rule, the cactus should only be watered if the soil is dry (check the bottom of the pot also). In the winter (October to March), the plants are resting so you must not water them. For fertilising, you can use cactus fertiliser which is generally available in stores and has a low nitrogen level. It is recommended to fertilise your plants once a month during the summer.